Tuesday, August 7, 2007


So Yahoo has a new "expert" it is Anya Kamenetz, who claims she is a generational advocate. I have read part of her book and heard her on the radio let me tell you she is nothing more than a socialist. I have heard her advocate such things as taxing the rich and taxing wealth and savings. All to help those in my generation who were to stupid and lazy to take care of themselves.

About two weeks ago this brain surgeon embraced the College Cost Reduction Act of 2007, . This is a bill passed by Democrats (who else) makes college more accessible IE takes from one group to give to another.

Anya says this bill is a good start, some of the better points are "graduates whose earnings don't exceed 150 percent of the poverty line (about $15,000 for a single person) would be exempt from repaying student loans." Lets stop here. WHAT!!! You take out a loan and now poof the debt is erased? Who pays the bills? What if you dropped out before you finished and that is the reason you aren't making that much? Isn't college suppose to be an investment so you can make more in the future?

The questions are endless, but to ANYA I guess the rich will pay for it.

She claims it is "right that those who earn more from their education should pay more". First, how do you prove someone earns more from their education rather than their hard work and ability? What does earning have to do with how much you pay? Two people can get the same education yet one has to pay more? This is Fair to Anya.
This jerk embraces socialism at every turn.

It is amazing that someone with her level of intelligence is considered an expert. She is lucky she is good looking because she definitely doesn't have any brains.


Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work JCard, Paul Best would be proud

Anonymous said...

So, if you were one of the have nots, you would be ok with the rich getting richer while you get poorer? Also, why is it that I am sensing a theme with you, which is someone who needs help is "taking" from someone else. What is wrong with helping people? Not everyone who can't afford college etc. are stupid people who didn't plan for themselves. Get over it and yourself.

JCARD3352 said...

Let me start with your first question. YES. I am not really a have or have not, but I never advocate stealing. Who cares if there is a difference in my wealth and someone else’s?

Secondly, helping people is fine and noble, it is when I am forced to help people via taxes that I have a problem with.

Lastly, what the hell does get over yourself even mean? You can do better than that.

Anonymous said...

Maybe you should start with letting everyone out there that is stuck in the poverty hole know exactly how you would get yourself out of it. Please don't use the pull yourself up by your bootstrap crap. That obviously doesn't work too well or more folks would do it.

Free market economics won't help anyone as long as there are people who decide who gets to participate in these so called free markets. We both know that there will ALWAYS be something or someone to dole out the money. Also, not everyone can be the rich man/woman.

But,I agree that the government keeps people dependent. But in order for any of your propositions to work the "white privilege" needs to end. But, I don't see that happening anytime soon and I would hope that you aren't one of those who will say "what white privilege?"

I am pretty sure that Blacks or the poor would LOVE to participate in all sorts of things that would get them out of poverty, but they still have to rely on some one else to give them a chance, whether that be for employment, business ventures where loans need to be obtained or school that most can't afford.

I don't see how people getting help to go to school would be opposed by you, because if they do, you won't need to support them further with your tax dollars. But, to end any and all help will serve to make even MORE poor destitute people.

When I say get over yourself, what I mean is that, you obviously have yours (money, education or you name it) and now you can just say "I don't want to be forced help anyone else". Did you attend college totally out of pocket, or did Mom and Dad pay? Either way, most people especially those of color can't afford to pay for college let alone look for mom or dad to afford it. So how pray tell do those people do it and not need your almighty tax dollar?

JCARD3352 said...

We seem to have the richest poor in the world; I drive by the projects and see Satellite TV box and nice cars so let’s start by getting yourself out of poverty by not squandering money. Pulling yourself out of poverty does work, we have a higher rate class mobility than most countries. If this wasn’t the case how do you explain the number of immigrants who come here with nothing from Asia and Africa and become highly successful?
All this is a moot point since it is not my job to pull anyone out of poverty. In a free country what I earn is mine it is pretty simple.
I want to address your “white privilege” comment. First of all I don’t know when race came in to play; this is about poor not race. Why does your mind work in such a way that it automatically divides people by race? It is almost disturbing. Having said this, if there was a white privilege the only way to overcome this is by the free markets. In free markets peoples skill matter more than anything else.
I also want to touch on what you said about having to serve using tax dollars people later on, which is a problem with socialism not capitalisms. In a FREE country one person is never FORCED to pay for another’s, that is the equivalent of stealing.
On an unrelated note, I tried to comment on your blog, but it didn’t seem like it went through. It may have, but I didn’t see it you should double check

Anonymous said...

Yes, your post went through fine. And the reason I go to race immediately is because that is a fact of life. I know that you might not understand where I am trying to take you but bear with me here. What I am making clear is that, for one I don't speak for all poor or all colors. But, I do know that a lot of blacks who are poor have been denied positions that might help get them out of a poverty situation. These things happen over and over again.

I have a friend that is a programmer. He applied for a job and did a phone interview with the employer who just loved him and his skills and said the job was pretty much his. He did an extensive check as to his former employers, then asked for an in person interview. As soon as he met my friend who is of color, the song changed to "you don't seem geeky enough". That was the actual words he used. Then he said that the job might not be suitable for him after all.

This is but one example, I have a ton more for myself, family and friends. We are by no means poor, but for our educational background our white counterparts are doing a hell of a lot better. So unfortunately for those who don't have our college backgrounds they probably have an even harder time gaining better than minimum wage employment.

These are my reasons for going to race. I don't think you can just lump all poor into one group. Also, I do know that some people racist or not tolerate blacks not of American ancestry more. I read an interview that was done on a bunch of personnel folks and this was a reoccurring theme. Somehow they would work better being foreign. Go figure.

Now, I am by no means saying that all the blacks are poor due to racism etc. But, I know what I see on an almost daily basis living in a predominantly white area. If you haven't been discriminated against please do not tell me that maybe some of these aren't race related. I have been black a long time and know a lot about racism. Yes, yes, some people use it as a crutch but there are a legitimate amount that are for real.

Thanks, I actually like reading your stuff, it does make one think further.